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Interesting approach with friendly controller

Posted: 12-26-2010 02:59 PM
by Wayne Pierce
On my last FREQ flight into KLAX this AM I was contacted by the approach with a traffic alert. I am flying a 707 landing on 25L as assigned and an ERJ was in the pattern for 25R. Through constant contact with the controller we both were aware of the the proximity to each other and landed with no problem.
Subsequent discussion with the controller off line via chat, he had signed off, he told me; As I was a heavy coming in and the other was a smaller plane the controller was going to make him space behind me, 5 miles! He told me that since I was handling my aircraft very well like a "good pilot" and the other pilot, was a "good pilot" and it happened he was a controller somewhere, it was allowed for us to land like we did as both of us "promised to behave on approach". He sent me this screen shot of the last moments of the approach which show the two aircraft in close proximity to one another. I am the lower AAL27 flight.
Now what also make this interesting at least to me is He sent me a screen shot of his entire monitor which shows what the ATC sees on our VATSIM flights. He was a really good fellow to do this and take his time for it.
Just for your viewing interest.

Re: Interesting approach with friendly controller

Posted: 12-26-2010 04:50 PM
by Rey Ramon
I've always wanted to venture into ATC, but just don't have the time to do it. I barely have the time to fly much less do that. oh well.

Re: Interesting approach with friendly controller

Posted: 12-26-2010 07:08 PM
by Norberto Rivera
That's pretty cool! I worked SJU for a while, but I also didn't have time to stick with it. My first priority was and continues to be AAV as far as online time goes so something had to give. ;)

Re: Interesting approach with friendly controller

Posted: 12-27-2010 01:18 AM
by Todd Meek
Yeah I tried my hand at ATC for Minneapolis but didn't have the time and to be honest I like flying better anyways. I didn't get very far but I gave it a shot.