2D cockpit framerates FSX

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Wayne Pierce
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Re: 2D cockpit framerates FSX

Post by Wayne Pierce »

Welcome to the FSX Framerate Follies.

Those dreaded Framerates are the bane of us FS'rs. Unless you have a system which works good with FSX and can max all the sliders to the right you are not going to get excellent FR's. When I use the FSX with NO payware a/c and NO payware scenery then all is good. Start adding in any add-ons and and the FR's start going down. To keep them up one tweaks the scenery tabs. I have several settings saved and load when I fly in different scenery areas. I keep my framerate bar at about 30fps, and it usually bumps up to about 25-28 fps normally. When the AV6 weather is on it drops down to about 15fps. Over large urban populated areas even lower then.
When I fly on VATSIM with the GFI I turn down all scenery to basic stuff as I am not looking at the scenery but busy flying and yakking on TSP3 with the "buds". Then my fps stay managable. It seems I have to use SB4 to keep my FR's up. FSINN just kills it and drops it to the basement and at time 1-2fps.

There were beefy discussions on this subject here already, but now may have been deleted to save space.

You have to want a trade off for fps or good looking scenery to fly. I go the middle. Most of my payware scenery is the FTX variety and it has good suggested settings for scenery which make it enjoyable to look at and also fly's well with the payware aircraft.

My 2D cockpit actually bumps up the fps a few and outside view really goes up. FSX is a hog for memory and its use. the more your computer is using its RAM for non needed programs while operating FSX the worse it appears and operates.
My test is to us AV6 real weather and look at the frame rates then turn off the weather and use fair or no weather and watch my fps jump up, sometimes drastically. Full screen mode in my FSX gives me about 5+more fps than the full windowed mode.

This is with my computer and WIN 7 update.

To each his own FSP's.

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