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"Old Coot, Rock hauler of the Skies" Old Coot, Really?

Posted: 02-08-2017 06:47 AM
by Harold Henderson
Considering he's still dripping wet behind the ears not having finished his 3rd decade???? I think the real AAV "Old Coot" club needs to reconsider this claim to membership!!!

However, I would vote to give him a one year waiver as a 27th birthday gift or perhaps make him an "honorary" member - i.e. "Old Coot (honorary), Rock hauler of the Skies". What say the other club members? Should we extend the privilege of free Starbucks paper cup (only at select Starbucks, does not include contents, and user of cup must sign waiver of legal recourse for and damages caused by said cup, and pledge first-born child as collateral to ensure proper disposal of said cup in appropriate recycling bin)? This may be one of the more weighty decisions brought before our resolutions committee since we voted on Wilbur and Orville's request for posthumous membership - which had to be denied since their flyer didn't bear AA colors.

So, while we wait for the next convention and gathering of real Old Coots to vote on this matter, we'll just have to end this with wishes for a grand birthday!

Re: "Old Coot, Rock hauler of the Skies" Old Coot, Really?

Posted: 02-10-2017 02:13 PM
by Todd Meek
Happy Birthday Greg. I had to go to the calendar to even figure out who Harold was talking about. I second the motion to have first born child as "collateral" for said Starbucks cup, no contents included though.

Re: "Old Coot, Rock hauler of the Skies" Old Coot, Really?

Posted: 02-10-2017 03:34 PM
by Theodore Martin
Having been with AAV for more than a decade would seem to imply he should be considered an "Old Coot" though only being 27 just makes it a paradox. However having over 4,000 flying hours :shock: in conjunction with his AAV longevity does beg consideration for the honorary membership in the Old Coot Club.

Happy birthday Grey. Hope you enjoyed it. And when you catch up with Harold we don't have to even discuss "honorary" status. :wink:

Re: "Old Coot, Rock hauler of the Skies" Old Coot, Really?

Posted: 02-11-2017 10:27 PM
by Greg Reince
Thanks guys, I appreciate it!
Greg 8)