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Re: Tour across the USA (and part of Canada)

Posted: 01-26-2015 07:18 PM
by Norberto Rivera
We've started hitting the higher altitudes! 2019 nm and 11:33 hrs down, only 3477.8 nm to go. The airplane won't go faster than 140 knots and weather really starts to become a factor. Join us every Sunday evening at 6pm EST if you're not scared! :D

Re: Tour across the USA (and part of Canada)

Posted: 02-08-2015 08:19 PM
by Theodore Martin
So as we continue our cross country journey we pick up at Missoula (KMSO) and I'm flying the P46T Malibu.
2015-2-8_20-10-9-686.jpg (96.76 KiB) Viewed 2640646 times
At our stop over we all changed a/c with Bert Rivera, Rick Stevens, and myself picking the 208 Caravan. Sergio Sanchez chose the PBM 850 and blasted away from all of us. He had to really throttle that baby back to give us a chance to catch up.

He's my Caravan safe of the ground at the end of our leg...
2015-2-8_19-51-39-142.jpg (68.08 KiB) Viewed 2640646 times

Re: Tour across the USA (and part of Canada)

Posted: 02-09-2015 06:42 PM
by Norberto Rivera
As always, good times were had by all! Tune in next Sunday for more shenanigans as we make a quick stop at Boeing Field and then cross the border into Canada eh!

Re: Tour across the USA (and part of Canada)

Posted: 02-09-2015 06:44 PM
by Norberto Rivera

Re: Tour across the USA (and part of Canada)

Posted: 02-10-2015 05:12 AM
by Harold Henderson
Bert, you know the vFAA monitors these forums ...

Re: Tour across the USA (and part of Canada)

Posted: 02-10-2015 06:26 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Harold Henderson wrote:Bert, you know the vFAA monitors these forums ...
Yessir, but I do not recognize their authority over me. I'm a Commander with AAV. :twisted:

Re: Tour across the USA (and part of Canada)

Posted: 02-11-2015 09:54 PM
by Theodore Martin
Since you brought up my display driver crashes in the other post, I changed my cloud resolution in REX from 4096 to 2048 and flew the last leg of our flight with no problems and had FSCommand running. I may have jinxed myself here but maybe this was the answer. We will see....only time will tell. :shock:

Re: Tour across the USA (and part of Canada)

Posted: 02-15-2015 07:08 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Theodore Martin wrote:Since you brought up my display driver crashes in the other post, I changed my cloud resolution in REX from 4096 to 2048 and flew the last leg of our flight with no problems and had FSCommand running. I may have jinxed myself here but maybe this was the answer. We will see....only time will tell. :shock:


Re: Tour across the USA (and part of Canada)

Posted: 02-15-2015 07:10 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Just like that, we're in Canada eh!!!

Re: Tour across the USA (and part of Canada)

Posted: 02-15-2015 08:25 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Bonus footage! :D
Bonus footage! :D
fs9 2015-02-15 18-42-54-72.jpg (220.81 KiB) Viewed 2640594 times

Re: Tour across the USA (and part of Canada)

Posted: 02-16-2015 11:53 PM
by Theodore Martin
Nice pics Bert. Here are a few more of our Tour adventure. My weather was hazy all the way so I didn't have those clear pics.

Re: Tour across the USA (and part of Canada)

Posted: 02-17-2015 12:00 AM
by Theodore Martin
...and Bert at my 7 o'clock. Rick Stevens, Bert Rivera, and myself all crossed the border landing safely in Canada. We had a great time.

Re: Tour across the USA (and part of Canada)

Posted: 03-29-2015 07:53 PM
by Theodore Martin
I didn't make the session this weekend but I did take some screen shots from last weekend that I'm just getting around to posting.

We are all here ready to taxi to the rwy for t/o (Bert Rivera, Wayne Pierce, Rick Stevens, and myself). Please excuse the "jaggies." Because of some CTD's and display driver crashes I had to delete my FSX.CFG and have FSX create a new one. I want to enable features one at a time so I know what caused the problem if the CTD's come back therefore I have not enabled anti-alising yet. Even though most were flying C337's I show them in Beechcraft Barons because I temporarily forgot how to set VPilot to a different default a/c and didn't have time to figure it out.
2015-3-1_19-14-5-738.jpg (105.21 KiB) Viewed 3394445 times
It's amazing what you can do when ATC isn't present. Here we are lined up for a formation take off with Bert at point, Wayne on the right wing, me on the left wing, and Rick in the slot. I switched to my C340 because for some reason my C337 cannot keep up with the other guys' C337's. Fortunately better mines prevailed and we didn't actually attempt to t/o in that formation else we would have had plane wreckage all over that rwy.
2015-3-15_17-4-51-814.jpg (124 KiB) Viewed 3394445 times
As a final shot, I'm on the last leg for is session and as we fly west I get a sunset photo opp over the glaziers in Alaska.

Re: Tour across the USA (and part of Canada)

Posted: 04-05-2015 06:34 PM
by Theodore Martin
During our Tour Across the USA today I saw a strange formation during one of our Alaska legs. Here's a picture of the formation (...anormally) that I took a sight detour to see:

Re: Tour across the USA (and part of Canada)

Posted: 04-12-2015 07:21 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Awesome shots!

4496.8 nautical miles down and it's been a doozie! Just another 1000 miles to go. We are currently in Sand Point, AK (PASD) and we are in a bit of a fuel situation with no pumps at this airport. Hopefully an unplanned stop at nearby Cold Bay next week will solve our problem.

I have a few shots, but first I want to address the doubters out there during our arrival in Sand Point. They will say this is fake. They will allege that I paid or otherwise bribed Dunlop with a case of scotch to photoshop this, but to each their own...