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any one VR?

Posted: 10-09-2021 05:58 PM
by Rey Ramon
Any one use VR. I hear it's impressive, but I've not idea how it works. For instance, how do you know where your stuff on your desk is when looking thru the VR headset? That may be a dumb question. I'm just curious.

Re: any one VR?

Posted: 10-09-2021 07:02 PM
by Michael Blakely
I've used my sons VR rig a couple times for flight simulation. After 5 minutes I get "car sick" from the video input to my brain not matching the inner ear input to my brain. Especially if I'm doing loops and rolls.

I recommend you "try before you buy" if possible.

Re: any one VR?

Posted: 10-10-2021 11:28 AM
by Rey Ramon
What about TrackIR. Any one use that? Recommend?

Re: any one VR?

Posted: 10-10-2021 07:51 PM
by Arturo Carvajal

I'm flying VR With Oculus 2 and XP11.

It take some time to fix all, and learn to wear and use VR glasses.

Flight VR is the closes experience to real life.

Try it and enjoy it!!!